Farmer(s): Laura Christensen and Katherine Kelly Location: Kansas City, KS Contact: [email protected]or (816) 805-0362 Apprenticeship opportunities: Volunteer, paid part time, paid full time Website, Facebook, Instagram
Two Birds Farm is hiring for the season! We have full and part time paid positions available and are happy to discuss volunteer opportunities. We are a small farm with 20 hilly acres and do our best to embrace farming in our variable Midwestern climate. We raise vegetables and plants for sale at market, through a CSA and to restaurants. We also have a “You Pick” strawberry field, a herd of goats we use for weed and brush control as a Goats on the Go affiliate and a flock of laying hens. We have been farming since 2007. We are not currently certified organic, but use organic practices.
The farm has grown like a weed the past few years, and we’d love to find an apprentice or two that embrace the hard work that is farming and want to learn. We’ve hosted several apprentices over the years and, way back in 2005 and 2006, Laura was a GG apprentice herself. We are happy to share info about our farm and how we do it, from production to budgeting. All apprentices will work in the vegetable fields and washstand. Opportunities to work in the greenhouse, at farmers market, with the CSA prep and pack, with the strawberry U Pick and our goat grazing endeavor are available, depending on your interests, skills and schedule.
We are in southern Kansas City, KS, just east of the Holiday Drive exit off 435.