Stay up to date with all things Growing Growers and the KC Food & Agriculture community by joining the GrowersKC listserv.
Growing Growers maintains a listserv for communication and information sharing. Participants include area growers, restaurateurs, grocery stores, extension agents, and other parties interested in the local farming industry. Examples of emails include: local grocers and restaurants soliciting suppliers; organizations advertising educational activities, events/workshops, farm tours and conferences; growers seeking advice or inquiring about land. Anyone can sign up- see the instructions below for more details!
How to join:
Address an email to [email protected] (and to no other email address).
You don't need to include anything in the subject field.
In the body of the email type "SUB GROWERSKC" and Your Name (Ex: SUB GROWERSKC Willie Wildcat). Note: Your Name = your real name.
Send the email.
Confirm the subscription request
The LISTSERV will generally return an email asking you to confirm your subscription request, and will then send a notification/welcome message when you've been added to the list.
How to unsubscribe: Send a message to:[email protected] Command (type in body of email): UNSUB GROWERSKC
How to contribute:
Make sure you are subscribed to the listserv in order to post. If you are not subscribed, your email will not be sent to the group.
Do not post a message unless you think it may be of interest to the whole group.
Use care in replying to a message, e.g., if someone posts a message and you want to reply to that individual only, check that the address on your message is to that individual and not the mailing list address.