Rebecca Graff and Tom Ruggieri

Having met on a CSA farm, apprenticed together, and been part of the Growing Growers program for 15 years we are excited to continue helping provide a learning resource to the KC area for sustainable agriculture. Over the years we have continued to improve our farm and diversify our markets to maintain a viable farm operation. We also coordinate with other producers to provide meat, cheese and bread to our members (add-on cost) and distribute these partner vendor products with our CSA shares. This collaboration allows us to provide a more diverse group of products to our members, creating a farm-based food hub/food circle.
Farm description: We are a CSA and Farm-to-Ferment farm located in NE Clay County, MO. We have been farming for 16 years. Our CSA is effectively a wholesale market as we provide bulk amounts of produce and deliver it to set distribution points. We wholesale our ferments to area grocers, restaurant/shops, and our CSA members.
Products sold: Fermented vegetables (sauerkraut, kimchi, jalapeno en escabeche, cucumber pickles, daikon pickles, curtido). CSA shares (20 + types of vegetables), hens eggs.
Top crops/products sold: 1. Fermented vegetables 2. CSA shares 3. Hens eggs
Markets we sell in: Fair Share Farm CSA, Brookside Farmers Market, Green Acres Market, Terra Health and Wellness Market, Green Dirt Farm Creamery, Bulk It, Colonial Gardens, Black Dirt restaurant
Specialty areas: Fermented vegetables, CSA
Farm description: We are a CSA and Farm-to-Ferment farm located in NE Clay County, MO. We have been farming for 16 years. Our CSA is effectively a wholesale market as we provide bulk amounts of produce and deliver it to set distribution points. We wholesale our ferments to area grocers, restaurant/shops, and our CSA members.
Products sold: Fermented vegetables (sauerkraut, kimchi, jalapeno en escabeche, cucumber pickles, daikon pickles, curtido). CSA shares (20 + types of vegetables), hens eggs.
Top crops/products sold: 1. Fermented vegetables 2. CSA shares 3. Hens eggs
Markets we sell in: Fair Share Farm CSA, Brookside Farmers Market, Green Acres Market, Terra Health and Wellness Market, Green Dirt Farm Creamery, Bulk It, Colonial Gardens, Black Dirt restaurant
Specialty areas: Fermented vegetables, CSA